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The best way to learn is by observing how others are doing something that's new to you but familiar to them. If you get the chance to watch a League member in action, learn from the experience by observing how they share the Gospel with others. These tips are ideas we've learned from members.
Our members are amazing! They are so passionate about sharing their faith that they have taught us a thing or two about how to do effective personal evangelism. This page provides some helpful tips to empower your sharing efforts.
Remember that Gospels are most effective when given to someone else in an actual one-to-one encounter. Just leaving Gospels somewhere in the hopes that someone will "discover" it doesn't have the same impact, and may even lead to Gospels being thrown in the trash. Take the time to hand Gospels to someone with a friendly smile and you'll enjoy some great results.
For the most impact, here are some helpful tips. You'll be amazed how much more effective your sharing becomes if your friend interacts with you.
Here are a few of the more creative approaches we've heard about sharing Gospels. Use them as idea starters for yourself.
Many of our members give Gospels away at fast food restaurants. This works inside or at the drive-through window. When receiving your food, give back a Gospel (with a tip if possible) and a cheerful "here, I'll trade you."
One of our members shared a strategy where he asks at the drive-through window if the person behind him is ordering something within a reasonable cost (like $5). If so, he pays for that person's meal and asks the clerk to give them a copy of the Gospel, letting them know that the meal and the Gospel are a free gift from the person who was in front of them.
One of the most popular ways of sharing a Gospel is to leave one with your tip. This has led to a number of salvation decisions we've heard about. Make sure you leave a generous tip or it will send the wrong message! As valuable as you know the content is, your recipients won't regard your Gospel book with joy if given in the place of a tip!
If you like to write thank you notes or cards for above-and-beyond service, why not include a Gospel? This is most effective if you have learned something about the person you're thanking, and if your Gospel cover relates well. For example, if you know that your hotel concierge likes car racing, include one of our motorsports covers with your thank you note.
Some of our members are involved in areas of work where they interact with hikers, fishermen and others going off into the great outdoors. This is a great place to give a Gospel, because these trips often provide hours of "alone" time suitable for reading, and for people to talk about spiritual things as they enjoy God's beautiful creation. We have a special cover especially suited for outdoor enthusiasts.
Some of our members work for car rental agencies. As people leave on a trip with their newly rented car, they hand them a Gospel with a friendly smile and and offer to enjoy their trip. Whether on a business trip or vacation, these are great opportunities to give a Gospel because people travelling often have lots of spare time with little to do.
One of our members reported that he works at a toll booth and gives Gospels to people paying their toll. The response has been encouraging, as the free gift provides a sense that people are actually getting something for their money.
You might think that church isn't necessarily a useful place to give out Gospels because so many people are already carrying complete Bibles. You might be surprised. Many people visit a church long before they make a decision for Jesus Christ. These people usually don't have a Bible yet, and may never have read any part of Scripture. Make a point of hanging around in the foyer of your church looking for new faces. Be friendly and ask questions. When you meet someone who doesn't normally come to church, offer a Gospel as a free "welcome to church" gift.
A Liga do Testamento de Bolso, por 125 anos tem motivado milhares de cristãos a ler, levar e compartilhar a Palavra de Deus.
Inspirada pela visão de uma adolescente em 1893, aproximadamente 25,988 membros de muitas denominações cristãs concordaram de "Ler, Levar, Compartilhar" a Bíblia como sendo a Palavra de Deus. Já foram distribuidas mais de 110 milhões de cópias evangelho de João em encontros de um a um. A Liga do Evangelho de Bolso é uma organização sem fins lucrativos 501(c)3. Leia mais...
Motivando e equipando cristãos a Ler, Levar, Compartilhar® a Palavra de Deus desde 1893.
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