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Tara S. of Fort Pierce, FL wrote:
“I'm ordering these Gospels to give testimony to the poor and homeless, to hand out and pray with people that will acept and neeed prayer. I have no job and no money right now and this is so important to me. I am a grateful recovering addict, and like to reach out to anybody else that needs help, so the faster you could get just these few out to me the bettter!!!! Thank you, with lots of love and prayers.”
Please help Tara and thousands of others like her respond to their calling. Simply equip them to share their faith with the lost through a sponsorship donation. In return, you'll receive stories like Tara's to encourage you!
Want to to expand the Kingdom of God? Do you have a desire to empower Christians to share their faith in Christ? There are many ways you can be involved in this exciting, highly effective kingdom-building ministry:
Gospel sponsorship
This Book is Alive initiative
Gospel cover development program
City Lights program
We want to help anyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, actively share their faith using the Word of God.
Sponsors give so that members who don't have financial means are able to share the Word of God with the lost. You receive stories from those you sponsor.
Many members are unable to donate when they order due to financial hardship, disability, fixed incomes, status as a full-time student and other reasons. These people represent some of our most active members. Together with your help, they represent millions of one-to-one presentations of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How does it work?
Make a sponsorship donation now!
This effort focuses on building a spiritual team of one million Christians who commit to Read, Carry and Share the Word of God over a four year period. As a result of these believers reading their Bible and focused on sharing their faith, we will give 50 million Gospel presentations to the lost across the nation.
To support this growth process, we need donors who:
View a video about this vision
Members are inspired by the variety of covers we offer. Having fresh cover designs keeps members thinking about sharing their faith, brings them back to the web site to see what's new, and motivates them to try new approaches and reach out in exciting new sharing situations they hadn't tried in the past.
We need individuals and ministries who:
Click here to download our Gospel cover co-branding guide (1MB PDF file)
Over the course of the next year, we plan to impact multiple cities by partnering with ministry organizations in an effort to unify city churches with the goal of providing for 50,000 One-to-one Gospel presentations over a 6-month period of time. The goal is to reach 15 cities in the next 3 years.
How does it work?
To discuss special giving opportunities, please use our convenient web feedback form or contact
A Liga do Testamento de Bolso, por 125 anos tem motivado milhares de cristãos a ler, levar e compartilhar a Palavra de Deus.
Inspirada pela visão de uma adolescente em 1893, aproximadamente 25,988 membros de muitas denominações cristãs concordaram de "Ler, Levar, Compartilhar" a Bíblia como sendo a Palavra de Deus. Já foram distribuidas mais de 110 milhões de cópias evangelho de João em encontros de um a um. A Liga do Evangelho de Bolso é uma organização sem fins lucrativos 501(c)3. Leia mais...
Motivando e equipando cristãos a Ler, Levar, Compartilhar® a Palavra de Deus desde 1893.
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