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We love hearing from our members. Our members are so committed to sharing their faith and we are blessed every time we hear from you. There are several ways you can contact us with feedback, questions, or to talk about anything related to sharing the Gospel.
We have several convenient online feedback forms that make it easy to participate in this ministry and to send us a question or feedback about any aspect of the League.
By E-mail
You can write to us using your E-mail program.
By Telephone
We can be reached by telephone for specific member issues. Call our headquarters at Worthing, UK , 01903705362. We have a small staff to keep overhead low, and many inquiries. Please leave a message with your contact information and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Our order line is 01903705362.
By Postal Mail
A Liga do Testamento de Bolso, por 125 anos tem motivado milhares de cristãos a ler, levar e compartilhar a Palavra de Deus.
Inspirada pela visão de uma adolescente em 1893, aproximadamente 25,988 membros de muitas denominações cristãs concordaram de "Ler, Levar, Compartilhar" a Bíblia como sendo a Palavra de Deus. Já foram distribuidas mais de 110 milhões de cópias evangelho de João em encontros de um a um. A Liga do Evangelho de Bolso é uma organização sem fins lucrativos 501(c)3. Leia mais...
Motivando e equipando cristãos a Ler, Levar, Compartilhar® a Palavra de Deus desde 1893.
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